Tube Map Radio

Commissioned by Design Museum London

PCB cad by Masahiko Shindo (Shindo Denki Sekkei)

The map is inspired by a spoof diagram created by the original designer of the London Tube
map, Harry Beck, which shows the lines and stations as an annotated electrical circuit.
Iconic landmarks on this map are represented by components relating to their functions,
including a speaker where Speaker’s Corner sits and a battery representing Battersea Power Station.

Wanted to make the components visible because “it is difficult for consumers to understand
the complexity of the workings behind the exterior” of today’s electronic devices.
By creating a “narrative to explain how electronics work,” hopes users will be encouraged
to fix their own broken devices.

For full story -and watch the video as he mentions Tim Hunkin’s Secret Life of Machines – another WLT speaker here.

Adept’s new Sound Gems

ADEPT’s new project Sound Gems opened this weekend. Working with the North West Sound Archive, we have designed a range of limited edition jewellery laser-etched with QR codes which open sound files selected by ADEPT from the Archive. You can read more about the project and purchase Sound Gems from the project website.